
This blog is reserved for the most outstanding gay-themed films released in different parts of the globe. It is dedicated to all those who happen to prefer the same gender for meaningful relationship and to those who understand the fact that being gay is not a choice and in fact, a vital part of the creation.

In this blog, gay-themed are those films wherein the central plot of the story revolves around its principal gay character(s), meaning, any film whereby it has a gay segment or gay character playing a minor role is certainly out of here. The film should have garnered the highest honours in the field of visual entertainment and/or have been recognized for its brilliance by legit and credible critics and reviewers.

Whilst the term “best” is highly subjective or has the tendency to favour a certain taste, let me assure you that it would be least applied here for this blog’s intention is honest and just. Story, direction, acting, script, validity are the absolute criteria for the selection. Therefore, a highly-flawed film will never land here even if it is a certified box office success or the director and its actors are very popular.

Hopefully, this blog encourages those who are still afraid to come out of the closet and at the same time opens the eyes and hearts of those homophobic individuals who up to this day keep on degrading and bashing the gays. It’s time they accepted the fact that just like them, the gays are equally important part of the society today… until the end of human existence.

Live proud and enjoy this blog!

- Only the first ten films are ranked and the others are all runners-up to the TOP TEN.
- Recently released films will not be available for video streaming in fairness to producers!!!
- If the video links fail, the video server must have been asked to delete them on grounds of copyright violation or/and someone acting like god have flagged them for insane reason(s).

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Les Chansons d'amour (2007) Love Songs

IMDb Details

Expanded Plot Summary

LES CHANSONS D'AMOUR is an excellent entertainment feature to those with real eyes, hearts and ears. Having said that, a lot of impostors reviewed it quite badly but cannot blame them actually because they are absolutely impostors. The dialogues are mostly done in songs that are sung by the actors themselves... and mind you, they sing them in perfect notes.

I find the ménage à trois arrangement so funny and cute -- as they say, this is not at all strange in in the city of love and romance. And surprisingly, the chemistry that run between Ismaël and Erwann was so passionately engaging. A MUST SEE but I must warn you how the impostors felt about it!

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